Villa Esperanza

Villa Esperanza

About Me - trying to live a life that is as full as it can possibly be - loving God & loving others

Monday, 1 July 2013

Random Update!

It's been a while since I wrote out here has been really really busy!
Today is my first day on my own since....19th May! I've had a really good time, mostly, though. Im not complaining! I had a lady from Mission DIrect come to investigate brining medical teams to the DR, which turned out to be a much better visit than i though it was going to be!! Then my friend Caroline came to visit for two weeks - which was great fun. I really enjoyed showing her my DR life. Caroline's visit was a real encouragement to me - thank you CAROLINE. During the time that Caroline was here we received back another 3 passports for 3 men from Esperanza village - 3 isnt 300 but it is another 3 people a step further to legal rights to work in the DR, and thats exciting.

After Caroline's visit came the next MD team, who did a great job working on the house they sponsored, aswell as all the afternoon ministry projects. The family that were receiving the home have a disabled son, so the team dug deep and raised the money to buy him his first wheelchair, meaning that his family wont have to carry him in a hammock anymore! They also built a little ramp into the hosue for him, so that he can have some freedom to come ina nd out alone. I really love ti when teams see an individual need and manage to help meet it. It really encourages me. God uses us in so many different ways!

I found the team really tiring too this time around - I dont know if its my im the OTHER side of 30... or if some times its just more tiring than others!

This last week Ive been showing the regional manager from the Mission Direct office around, helping her to get an understanding of what MD are up too out here. I've also been up in Esperanza village, trying to help to support some ladies in the village as they care for a gentleman who is dying. He has no family and they have no money to buy soap to clean his dirty sheets and other basic things like that. Being able to help at times like this is really important and I always feel blessed to be able to help in these situations. I went to visit the man on Friday and spent time praying with him, talking to him about God and helping with some of his basic needs. HIs neighbour ladies are lovely and are doing a great job at cleaning him and making sure he is as comfortable as he could be. Things are so very different in the UK, with institutions and professionals involved - but this man is being loved and I guess thats what matters most really....

The next MD team comes on Monday - this is busy season for teams now - Im really blessed to have Bob and Alison here leading with me for the next couple of teams - sharing some of the challenges, excitments and paperwork!! Please keep the three of us in your prayers over the coming months!

I cant think of much else to say right now - life is busy but fantastic. I love what Im doing, Im doing what I love and I think that is an amazing thing to be able to say!!
Send me an email, tell me how life is for you!!

Claire x

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Claire. What a wonderful thing to hear, that that man's neighbours are ministering to him. We could learn a lot from that. And exciting about the passports! Such a huge thing, getting people legal and documented is maybe the biggest impediment to education and breaking the poverty cycle.
